Sorry it's a bit late but I do have a life you know!
So what did I read this week. Brian K Vaughn's Barrier was really good definitely going to pick up issue 2 it was out this week as well but wasn't on the shelves so I'm going to have to hunt. Marvel gave us Exiles 3 which was rubbish , Venom 1 was just as bad Marvel what the hell are you doing !
The only good title I read from Marvel was Deadpool 300! Deadpool can be a little hit and miss but I loved this issue it was back to its best , it was going to be my pick this week but it had to be this ....
Batman White Knight 8 !
This series has rocked ! Just a different take on everything and I've really enjoyed it ! This will be a classic for years to come so I suggest you pick them up and read you won't be disappointed!
See you next week!