Theres a lot of rumours going around at the moment about the Wonder Woman 2 movie.
The working title for the movie is "Magic Hour", now this could be nothing more than a non relevant title!
But what if its a hint that Wonder Woman is about to introduce the magic universe to the DCU. We already know that a Justice League Dark live action movie is planned for the DCU. What if Wonder Woman were to introduce some of those characters namely Zatanna?
Its all purely speculation at the moment , but if your interested in Zatanna's first appearance its already a pricey book, Hawkman 4.
If Zatanna were to appear in a live action movie then Hawkman 4 would surely get a significant bump!
If Hawkman 4 is a little out of your reach there's also so nice Adam Hughes covers that he did for the Zatanna run and we all know how popular his Cat Woman covers are!