Love him or hate him Donny Cates has made waves in the comic world . When he tweets people listen and the stuff he writes gets bought up and prices hike pretty quickly! I first got introduced to Cates when I picked up issue 1 of God Country and wow ! It was brilliant and I was hooked ! I'd never read such an impactful ,thoughtful and emotional story in a comic book. But here's the spec , its been optioned for a movie with Cates writing the screenplay, Jim Mickle will direct and the movie will be coming to Netflix!
So Lets have a look at some numbers :
1st Print Cover A and B Print Run 14322, 897 on the CGC census and a FMV of $160 for cover A , the census for B is 329 and a FMV of $75
2nd print (red Cover) Print Run 5035 110 copies on the Census and FMV $65
3rd Print (Blue Cover) no print run info but gonna be low 24 on the census FMV $48
4th print (B&W cover) no print run info but gonna be the lowest 27 on census and FMV $60
But Image also released the Blind Box variants as well , these are gonna be the ones that are super rare !
25th Anniversary variant 2000 print run , 108 on census and $120 FMV
25th Anniversary Virgin variant 300 print run , 11 on census and $266 FMV (last sale 9.8)
B&W Sketch 500 print run , 45 census and $140 FMV
B&W Sketch Virgin 100 print run , 13 census and $260 FMV
So have a look at the above super low print runs the Virgin Blind Box variants are the ones to go for (if you can find them) but the whole series is super undervalued IMO!
You may say that this is Image and we never get any movie/tv spec out of them but remember that Donny Cates owns the rights to this , look how popular he is , he’s written the screenplay and its been optioned and coming to Netflix.
I think this will happen and all these books are going to see significant gains !
Thanks for reading !