So with all the spikes we've been seeing with Miles, Silk and Spidergwen I'd thought I'd focus on a couple of variants that have caught my eye.
First one is the Spiderman Cho variant
This variant is a 1:20, the total print run for Spiderman 1 was around the 100K mark meaning that there's around 5K of these around. There's a lot on eBay at the moment ranging from $60 to $150 but whats more surprising is that there are only 50 graded on the CGC census. 9.8s are going for a staggering $400 and rising.
This is one book to keep an eye on !
Lets now have a look at the Spiderman 12 Isanove variant:
This book is a ghost ! and whats more surprising is that there are only 25 graded on the CGC census and only 1 9.8! That black cover makes 9.8s hard to get
The print run on issue 12 was around the 50K mark meaning there's only 2K of these around. Raw prices are around the $150 mark. But check out the slab sales a 9.6 goes for around $600!
With all the hype around Into the Spiderverse 2 and the possibility of a relationship between Miles and Gwen whats the ceiling on this rare hard to find book?