So this is just a rumour that I've picked up whilst trawling the internet. There's some speculation ,although unfounded, that Michael Rosenbaum may be playing the legendary Korvac in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Be aware that this spec may not work out but some of it does make sense. Korvac is such a powerful cosmic power that they had to introduce him at some point especially with Stallone playing Starhawk and we know that Warlock isn't in the film....yet (unless he turns up in one of the end credit scenes! We know there are 5 but they've only shown 4 in the press screenings but I reckon its an Infinity War link ....but we'll see!)
I'll let you know if he turns up when I watch the film this Saturday , In the meantime if you fancy a punt on Korvac his first App is Giant Sized Defenders Annual 3. Good book to get anyway 🙂