First up apologies for not doing a Wednesday Winner post last week , I was away with work and didn't get to my LCS. But I did this week 🙂
I read a few things this week , mainly Marvel for a change , I enjoyed Spectacular Spiderman 300, Avengers 682 and I also read DC's The Terrifics. They were all pretty good but my pick this week is ....
Thanos 16!
Now regardless if your sunk into the hype that is Cosmic Ghost Rider there's no denying that Donny Cates's Thanos series is a good read.
We know that Cosmic Ghost Rider is going to get his own series and Thanos 16 gives us an origin. And it was a good well thought out origin! I thouroughly enjoyed this comic and its definitely one to watch.
Its already selling for 2-3x cover and I think this is just the start.
Get it read it! Nuff Said!