So SDCC is round the corner coming our way 20th July!
There's a feeling in the air about this one! The San Diego Comic Con has been the main forum for the big players to announce their future plans and offerings.
7 years ago , yes 7 !! Marvel announced and united the cast of the Avengers at SDCC and history was made, the cast of Star Wars The Force Awakens used SDCC as their voice and stomping ground in 2015 and set out a plan for a Star Wars film every year. Big things are expected again from the main players.
One such player needs to have a plan, a small comic shop called DC! Trailing behind Marvel in the movie stakes they've had their first critically acclaimed hit with Wonder Woman. Will they now set out their stall for the future of the DC cinematic universe. They need to! Everyone is hoping that major announcements will be made next weekend and the comic world is awash with rumours of Black Canary , Gotham City Sirens and Shazam. Will we get a big reveal of phases as we did for the Marvel Universe at SDCC in 2010 and 2012. They need to build on the success of Wonder Woman and give us something to look forward to. Their time has come they've just got to make sure they don't ruin it 🙂 They need to click!
Sony also need to sort out what they're doing with the Marvel characters that they own , we need to get a straight answer on the Spiderman (which is brilliant by the way) characters that they are planning to exploit , Venom, Black Cat , Silver Sable and a Mysterio solo movie what what what????
I for one will be following the announcements closely , I won't be there (can't afford it :-)) but I will be glued to social media collecting , commenting  and analysing what comes out of next weekend and I'll be reporting it here.
So watch this space ladies and gentlemen I have a feeling this ones gonna be a good one.
I hope I'm not wrong!