Ummm no but thats what Bleeding Cool are suggesting , I think we'll se an upsurge of Iron Spider in the comics but in the Spiderman Movie I think not. How can this happen if she's not in the cast list! However Marvel have recently applied for a trademark on the name 'Iron Spider' so they may use her in the future but we'll see. The one to get is Amazing Spiderman 15 which you can get for about a fiver there's also a Campbell variant for around £30.
Heres the link to the bleeding Cool article : https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/06/02/will-mary-jane-get-a-suit-in-spider-man-homecoming-marvel-trademarks-iron-spider-iron-jane-and-spider-gwen/
The one I think is a better pick is Silk who's first app is Amazing Spiderman 4, theres a character in Homecoming listed as Cindy , could this be Cindy Moon ?? You can pick Amazing Spiderman 4 (vol 3) up for about £10-15 at the moment. There's also a Ramos variant for £40-50.
Maybe , possibly just don't know, I've still bought both while they're still cheap! But if anyone turns up in Spiderman Homecoming my bet is on Silk.