So there 's a lot of buzz on the net at the moment that RiRi Williams is coming to the MCU. This is down to a script for Ironheart being well received on the Black List . The Black list is a marketplace that puts scripts in front of major studios.
Invincible Iron Man 7 is jumping in price on Ebay at the moment but take caution as nothing's official yet , but could we see Ri Ri Williams replacing Iron Man in the MCU, It would be a bold move by Marvel , who have to replace Robert Downey Jnr at some point.
Invincible Iron Man 7 is the first app of RiRi Willliams there's multiple printings.
Theres also a Women of Power Variant which will be the one to get !
And don't forget issue 9 which is the full app of Ironheart ,market has decided 7 is the key for the most part though !