Month: April 2017

An Interesting bit of Information about Stan Lee in the MCU
Now this is very interesting read at your own peril but it does kind of make sense: https://www.comicbookmovie.com/guardians_of_the_galaxy/vol_2/kevin-feige-confirms-a-long-standing-rumor-about-stan-lee-in-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-a150692

Today is officially Guardians of the Galaxy Day!
Got my tickets for 2pm today ! Can’t wait!

Sick of Marvel and DC movie news!
Check out this great article from blastr.com , a rundown of movies in development from independent publishers, a good read ! http://www.blastr.com/2017-4-25/18-comic-book-movies-development-you-might-not-know-about

This Wednesdays winner is Namwolf
This comic was difficult to find at my LCS today and is now going on the bay for cool £15 Will it drop though ? […]

Stallone eyed up for role in Millar’s Starlight
According to screen rant Twentieth Century Fox is eying Sylvester Stallone to star in an adaptation of Mark Millar’s Starlight, playing an aging intergalactic superhero. […]

People are seriously specing on Jimmy Hudson!
People are seriously specing on Jimmy Hudson! Not many in the UK though ! But these must be lying in LCS’s everywhere! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marvel-Comics-Ultimate-X-1-C-NM-M-2010-/152513053454?hash=item23827c830e:g:6xQAAOSw7U5Y85Kr

Who is Michael Rosenbaum playing in GOTG2
So this is just a rumour that I’ve picked up whilst trawling the internet. There’s some speculation ,although unfounded, that Michael Rosenbaum may be playing the […]

MCU Release schedule
Marvel Release schedule well at least what we know, these are US release dates make a note that in the UK we usually get them […]

This is the one to pick up this Wednesday, already sold out in a lot of places !